Monday, August 31, 2015

Weight Loss Problems

Supplement game on point 
Weight loss is *such* a pain in the you-know-what.

I am rolling my eyes so hard right now that I just saw my own brain. That is how frustrating I am. Not frustrated but frustrating. I know that I want to be healthier and in shape but I cannot seem to get my act together. I am probably doing this challenge like 65% right now because lately I have been having an issue with my nutrition.

Why do I keep getting in my own way? I have lost weight before, I know what I have to do, so what gives?


Have faith in yourself
Working out is not a problem for me whatsoever. In fact, I love it. Do you want to know what else I love? Food. Food, glorious food.

Moving on.

Something cool happened recently. I am finally feeling confident in myself and familiarized with all the machines. Gym time is go a flow time. It feels good knowing that I have good form and knowledge on what the heck I am doing, lol.

Also, I realized that I am finally getting stronger in regards to upper body. I am not going to brag at the pounds because it is very little, lol...BUT...I am getting stronger and the dumbbells I am using are looking less child's play like and a little more impressive, lol. So much for confidence, right?

I am so very thankful for my wonderful Coach Amanda Latona Kuclo and her big heart. Poor lady has so many girls to care after and super fans but she is super gracious and motivating to each and every once of us. Forget the fact that she is a newlywed and moved to a whole new state, but she has a new workout apparel line, has dealt with the flu, apparences, supporting her husband as he prepares for competitions, and I am sure she has her own problems (don't we all) but she is such a trooper! Thanks Amanda!

So I might have hit a little slump with my nutrition but I am fixing that and will continue doing what I can until it is all balanced again.

Thanks for reading!


Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Talents and Sharing

One thing I wanted before I began to blog was a watermark for my photographs. Not because my photographs are the best and people are going to rip them off but because I want people to have the ability to come back to my blog should something speak to them.

I came across a lovely lady through the OxyChallenge that is into graphics so I gave it a shot by contacting her right away and she made something super cute and creative. I love how she combined the lemon into the sunflower! So cute! My mind is just not creative like that, hahaha. If you have any graphic needs, please consider Tori and visit her website by clicking [HERE]!

It is wonderful when people share their talents; I wish I were more comfortable with sharing my talents, I suppose that just stems from a lack of self-confidence.

Something super cool happened today during lunch time. I was in need of a cucumber for my lemon chicken salad and I realized that I never purchased any this week at my local farm stand. Not 2 minutes later there was a knock on my front door and my neighbor was there with cucumbers that they grow in their yard. Local, fresh, and organic for the win, boo yeah!

When California is out of this drought, c'mon El Nino!, I am going to grow another veggie garden again and my yard will be gorgeous with sunflowers, hydrangeas, lillies, and various plants for butterflies, considering our town is a huge Monarch Butterfly sanctuary. Also, I want to have bird feeders and a bee water garden. A girl can dream and plan, right?

Do not forget to strengthen your talents every single day and then share them with others. You will bless a life and I know you will feel great making someone's day.

Monday, August 10, 2015

What Doesn't Kill You, Makes You Stronger

The cliffs (East Cliff in particular) have been calling me and I have yet to respond. I was hoping to go for a jog with my best friend tomorrow morning but she will be unable to join me so I will just go for a nice stroll.

One of my favorite self-care dates is a sunrise stroll along East Cliff but the sunrises so early that I have not been for one in months! I cannot wait for sunrise to be a little later in the morning so I can sit by the rocks and drink my warm honey lemon water in absolute peace.

Back to the subject at hand.

I did day 1 of month 2 today at the gym and here I am in bed, moving ever so slightly, and my muscles are already sore, lol. It was lower body day; I did squats and variations of lunges. My glutes were attacked from every single angle possible. I am so thankful for smartphones because I got to review all the demo videos before I tried them out for myself. It is so much information to try to keep track of and it fixes my form.

But the best part?

I did every single workout for today without having to do any modifications or without having to skip some because of my weak back/ankle.

*Snaps for Julia!*

They were not all flawless moves but I committed to them and got them done. YAY!

:::On a side note:::

My most favorite gym employee has been gone for a couple of weeks. Sucks for me because I miss conversing with him but great for him as he has found a better job that he is actually excited about. I was about to begin my cardio when he called my name and I turned around to see him standing before me. I was so excited! For a split second I thought he was back at the gym which made me happy but then horrified so I asked why he was there. He is not into fitness whatsoever, lol. He was there giving out all of his gym affiliated t-shirts he has acquired over the years as an employee and I scored his last two t-shirts. YAY! We chat for a short bit and he was on his way, that may be the last time I ever see him again but least we got to hug it out and he gave me some t-shirts to remember him by.

:::Cue "It's So Hard To Say Goodbye To Yesterday" by Boys II Men:::
Today I am thankful for:

  1. Naps
  2. Chocolate
  3. Endorphin's
  4. Chocolate, yes I list it twice
  5. My job
  6. My Dog Kaja
  7. Prayer
  8. Laughter
  9. My Wonder Woman Mother
  10. Old Friends

Sunday, August 9, 2015


My best friend surprised me with some red Sunflowers last night at our bi-monthly Movie Under the Stars event that we host at my house. It was such a sweet surprise. I had to take a picture of the beautiful colors and the crazy cool detail of the sunflower and share it with you all.

These past 24 hours have been interesting. I have been absolutely exhausted. I crashed out as soon as our guests left last night and I slept almost 10 hours before it was time to get ready for church. Then, I slept a couple of more hours after I returned from church, lol.

Church was wonderful. I love the people and our friendships. There were words that I needed to hear and impressions that I felt that lead me to action. One thing I want to start doing is send pretty cards to the older ladies from church who are lonely. Whether they are widowed or it is just them and their husbands. Who does not like a thoughtful, random card in the mail? Better than junk mail or bills, right? Also, I got another reminder that I need more spiritual balance. More scripture study, more praying, and more quiet time to receive answers.

As I mentioned above, I have been really tired/sleeping a lot today and as I was waking from my slumber I remembered that tomorrow is the start of Month 2 of the Oxygen Challenge. I wanted to sleep more, lounge in bed with Netflix, but I knew that I needed to strive for progress and success. I have heard that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Soooo...that meant doing some prep work was in order and I did the first step by cleaning the kitchen. How can you weigh, measure, and cook your meals without a clean space, clean pots, pans, utensils, and meal prep containers? It is a step that I often do not think about but starting the week off with a clean kitchen and cleaning as you go is a must! Then, I prepped my breakfast, snack, lunch, and cleaned up again, lol. I will prep my pre and post workout meals when I get home from work tomorrow.

It is time for scripture reading, prayers, and counting my blessings as I fall asleep. It is nice to remember that even in nature - getting down to the nitty gritty - is all about balance.

Goodnight, moon.

Friday, August 7, 2015


Buckets play a huge part in my life.

There is my ever growing bucket list.
There are buckets that represent different aspects of my life that mean a lot to me (more on this later.)
Then there is the bucket that I am trying ever so hard NOT to kick. At least not until I am old and grey but I cannot control that!

Some buckets that I hold dear to me are:
  • Health and Wellness
  • Emotional/Mental Well-being
  • Spiritual Nourishment
My problem is...I am always gung ho to focus on just one bucket at a time; leaving the rest empty and then I am left with a sense of unbalance in my life and I get nowhere, fast.

Speaking of going nowhere fast...

The last few months I had intended to write and share pictures on this blog but I simply got busy! I went back to the gym, picked up a spare job, stopped going to church regularly, and kind of just felt like I was going through the motions, which I cannot stand! My health and wellness bucket was being fulfilled, but my spiritual bucket was dry. My financial bucket was doing very well but my self care bucket took a hit. Then my dating bucket started getting some attention which leads me to this post.

Sunday Best - Church OOTD
For a couple of months I was talking to someone, seeing them at the gym reguarly, spending time with them after our workouts but the whole going out on dates was a little slow to kick off and then when it kicked off it crashed and burned, no survivors. I was really disappointed. Heck, I was really hurt because I was looking forward to it.

There I was at home, on another Friday night, big shocker! I should have been out on my date that night but he flaked. I was in bed, angry, thumbing through a fitness magazine when I saw, for the 100th time, an announcement of an upcoming (a matter of days) 90 day fitness challenge via Oxygen Magazine. I loved the ladies who were the coaches but I did not want to spend anymore money on workout plans and healthy recipes. But something inside of me told me I needed to do it. I was in such a need of change that I actually paid the money and I joined.

I wanted to share about it as soon as I joined but I always make these big announcements and then nothing ever happens but seeing as next week is the start of Month 2, I think it is time.

I will be sure to post more often so my posts are not this long, sorry! 

My life felt a little more fresh and vibrant but I needed to make some more changes. I realized I had to let go of my spare job because it was causing me too much stress that was not worth it and it was not steering me towards my career. To add insult to injury it was taking away from my self-care time. I needed to stop vegging out in front of Netflix or my smartphone and get productive and unwind with my scriptures and prayer. I also had to stop talking to that guy! Which I did.

Me vs. Me
Back to the challenge. There are two coaches, you could pick one or both. At the beginning of the challenge I picked one coach but have since added the other. The coaches are Erin Stern (#TeamErin) or Amanda Latona (#TeamAmanda). Check out the hashtags on Instagram! I am #TeamAmanda for these 90 days and after that I will follow Erin's plan for another 90 days. 

Here are the things I love about this challenge:

The entire 90 days are planned out for you:
-Your meals are planned out every single day (as a guideline and boooooy do I need it!)
-Your workouts are planned out 
-The coaches have created demo videos of each exercise with proper form
-The community of women who are in this challenge are so supportive and positive of one another

There is no guesswork. 

Grocery Haul
Each Saturday I get my grocery list (that they provide) I go through the fridge, freezer, pantry, and use up what I have so I save money/not waste and then I buy what I need. Every couple of days I do a meal prep and Monday-Friday I hit the gym hard.

So far I have lost some weight, according to the scale, I have yet to measure myself but my clothes are fitting better. I feel stronger and more energized and my family has been extremely supportive.

I have been following the meal plan almost 90%. There are some things that I do not care for and I indulge from time to time. It has been nice taking care of myself from the inside out. Working out for me is not hard, I actually enjoy it. Nutrition is the hard part for me! Whoops! This certainly beats dating someone that obviously did not deserve me and at least now I do not need to let another unworthy person enter my world.

So here I am, several Friday nights later, home, in bed as I blog, and I am okay with that.

If you would like to follow me on instagram you can find me here. @_FitHourglass_