Saturday, April 18, 2015

Introduction and Purpose

I love lemons.
I love sunflowers.
Obviously enough to name my blog after them but they have a deeper meaning. 

Here is what it stands for on the surface:
  • [Lemons] Being Mexican-American I grew up squeezing lemons on everything. That wonderful sour goodness enhances everything! Even thinking about it makes my mouth water; thank goodness we have two lemon trees on my property.
  • [Sunflowers] It was during my middle school years that I realized sunflowers made me happier just looking at them and I still love them to this day.

If you know this proverbial phrase, say it along with me,
"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade."
The lemons in my life that have been handed to me, or sometimes chucked in my face, seem to deal with my experiences with relationships, romantic and platonic. 

One of the biggest lemons that I have dealt with, we're talking the ponderosa lemon kind, has really been all about expectations blowing up in my face. My life is so much different than I thought it would be and it has been rather painful at times.

I have always waited, impatiently, for my "Happily Ever After" but my "Once Upon A Time" is taking a while to kick start since I attract or am attracted to the wrong kind of person. So it is my goal to truly go after things that make me happy. I'm looking to learn things, acquire new skills, grow spiritually, emotionally, physically, etc. So even when the lemons keep coming, I want to be able to take it in stride and use it as a launching pad into better things. 

Lemons with a nasty curve ball are going to come but it is up to us to make the most of it and in my life "light" has been very important to me and is something I always aspire to have. We all have gone through dark times, it helps us weigh the good against the bad. Let me tell you it feels so good when you can see that light at the end of the tunnel and it feels even more glorious when you
are on the other side of that darkness and free from its powerful hold. That is one thing I love about sunflowers, they naturally always face and follow the sun. I did not know that until a few years ago but it is amazing and something I want to do too!

So make sure to check in from time to time as I willingly poke fun at myself because I lack grace. I am a huge dork but I am an open book. I am going to fumble a lot along the way; not because I am naturally clumsy but because I am learning that old ways will not open new doors. 

A lot of my journey will deal with self-care* and self-dates because hey! I'm healing and I need to learn how to love myself and my life first before I can let a person of substance and value bless my life. Here are some things I plan on sharing and if there is anything you would like to share with me or have suggestions/requests please do not hesitate. 

The main bullet points are ideas taken from the following site, please click [here] to read more, the smaller bullet points are what I currently do or hope to begin soon. 

  • Physical 
    • The Gym Life
    • 5k/10k Training/Events
    • Physical Rehab (Plantar Fasciitis/Tendinitis)
    • Belly Dancing 
    • Weight Watchers
    • Shopping at local Farmers Markets and Farm Stands
    • Cooking/Baking things to nourish and strengthen my body
      • Paleo, Clean Eating, Anti-inflammatory, Gluten Free
      • Having fun (in moderation) and baking goodies
    • Emotional
      • Zantangle/Doodles
      • Girl Talk: Venting is fine but no whining allowed! Fix it and move on.
      • Learn to sew: Anything would be nice but clothes is ideal.
      • Gardening: Once California is out of this horrific drought!
      • Learn guitar/piano 
    • Spiritual (Mine is synonomous with religion: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
      • Praying/Meditation
      • Reading Scriptures/Positive Quotes/Self-help
      • Going to Church/Temple
      • Being in nature
      • Attitude of Gratitude 
    • Intellectual: I struggle with this one. Any ideas?
      • Critical Thinking
        • reading, puzzles, look at situations from different perspectives  
      • Career
      • Teaching Assistant work
    • Social (nurturing relationships with people outside of your immediate family)
      • Being open to inspiration to do all things listed below and more
      • Calling up a girlfriend for lunch
      • Walks with friends to catch up and be healthy at the same time
      • Sending notes (snail mail)
      • Sending texts
    • Relational
      • Adventure time! (You'll get a feel for this as you read more about me)
      • Dinner Parties
      • Heart to Hearts
      • #5quekrew
      • Celebrations
    • Safety and Security
      • Thank you, ObamaCare! Check ups are important!
      • Budgeting: Such a fun sucking word for me. It limits the fun but thoughtless spending is the worst and adds to the clutter. It is nice to make money but keeping it and building a savings is phenomenal!
      • Take care of yourself NOW, even if you feel like you do not need to. Avoid having to "deal with it" especially if it can be prevented.
    So there you have it! That is my life in a not so small nutshell. I feel like it is very self-absorbed since I do not have children of my own. Until then I am going to appreciate and respect the time from now until then and have some fun.

    Best Wishes,