Sunday, August 9, 2015


My best friend surprised me with some red Sunflowers last night at our bi-monthly Movie Under the Stars event that we host at my house. It was such a sweet surprise. I had to take a picture of the beautiful colors and the crazy cool detail of the sunflower and share it with you all.

These past 24 hours have been interesting. I have been absolutely exhausted. I crashed out as soon as our guests left last night and I slept almost 10 hours before it was time to get ready for church. Then, I slept a couple of more hours after I returned from church, lol.

Church was wonderful. I love the people and our friendships. There were words that I needed to hear and impressions that I felt that lead me to action. One thing I want to start doing is send pretty cards to the older ladies from church who are lonely. Whether they are widowed or it is just them and their husbands. Who does not like a thoughtful, random card in the mail? Better than junk mail or bills, right? Also, I got another reminder that I need more spiritual balance. More scripture study, more praying, and more quiet time to receive answers.

As I mentioned above, I have been really tired/sleeping a lot today and as I was waking from my slumber I remembered that tomorrow is the start of Month 2 of the Oxygen Challenge. I wanted to sleep more, lounge in bed with Netflix, but I knew that I needed to strive for progress and success. I have heard that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Soooo...that meant doing some prep work was in order and I did the first step by cleaning the kitchen. How can you weigh, measure, and cook your meals without a clean space, clean pots, pans, utensils, and meal prep containers? It is a step that I often do not think about but starting the week off with a clean kitchen and cleaning as you go is a must! Then, I prepped my breakfast, snack, lunch, and cleaned up again, lol. I will prep my pre and post workout meals when I get home from work tomorrow.

It is time for scripture reading, prayers, and counting my blessings as I fall asleep. It is nice to remember that even in nature - getting down to the nitty gritty - is all about balance.

Goodnight, moon.

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